NHERI Graduate Student Council
2025 NSF NHERI GSC hosts Professional Careers in Academia
Jaunary 10th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
In January, four NSF NHERI GSC alumni returned to share their experiences seeking a professional career in academia. Hosted by Anamika Malla and Rajendra Gautam, panelists included Dr. Abigail Beck, Dr. Amber Spears, Dr. Kostas Kalfas, and Dr. Roni Fraser.
2024 NHERI GSC hosts Professional Careers in Industry and the Governmental Sector
November 22nd, 1:00pm - 2:00pm Central Time
In November, four NSF NHERI GSC alumni returned to share their experiences seeking a professional career in industry. Hosted by Avipriyo Chakraborty and Rajendra Gautam, panelists included Dr. Natalie Coleman, Dr. Karim Mostafa, Dr. Reza Filizadeh, and Dr. Edwin Rajeev.
2024 NHERI GSC Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Current Landscape of Tornado Resilience
May 17th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC hosted Dr. David Roueche, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Auburn University during the May General Meeting. He shared his presentation, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Current Landscape of Tornado Resilience” and provided excellent career advice to PhD students.
2024 NHERI GSC Transitioning from PhD to Academia
February 23rd, 12:00pm - 1:00pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC presents, "Transitioning from PhD to Academia." Mohsen Zaker Esteghamati, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Utah State University, and Luis Zambrano Cruzatty an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maine shared their experience moving from doctoral students at Virginia Tech to their current academic positions. Thank you to Jordan Nakayama, Rajendra Gautam, and Benjamin Labar for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
2024 NHERI GSC Introduction to the NHERI Science Plan 3rd Ed.
January 19th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
Join host and NHERI GSC President, Emmaleah Jones for NHERI GSC's introduction to the NHERI Science Plan 3rd Ed. Dr. Ian Robertson (University of Hawaii, Manoa) introduces the third edition and maps out how the resource can support the early career faculty's research agenda in natural hazards.
2023 NHERI GSC Academic Publishing Workshop
June 9th, 1:00pm - 2:00pm Central Time
Join host and NHERI GSC Research Chair, Jasmine Bekkaye for NHERI GSC's Academic Publishing workshop. Hear tips from Dr. Jack Baker (Stanford University), and perspectives from NHERI GSC members, Natalie Coleman (Texas A&M University), and Amer Hamad Issa Abukhalaf (University of Florida) as they share on publishing within academia.
2023 NHERI GSC Mini-Conference
May 26th, 10:00am - 4:30pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC will host its inaugural mini-conference on Friday, May 26th. Attend our keynote, poster, and presentation panel sessions to hear novel approaches to methods, empirical research, and interdisciplinary work from graduate student researchers including geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, sociologists, demographers, computer scientists, and other disciplines. Thank you to Taylor Heath, Rakesh Salunke, Jasmine Bekkaye, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing this event for the natural hazards graduate community.
Find details at: www.designsafe-ci.org/learning-center/nheri-graduate-student-council/mini-conference-2023/
NHERI GSC & SimCenter Part V Research Tool Workshop Series
March 10th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC, in collaboration with the NHERI SimCenter, presents the fifth and final installment of the Research Tools Workshop series. In Part V, Scott Brandenburg, a Professor from UCLA, shared his presentation and live demo, "Data integration Using Relational Databased and Application Programming Interfaces." Thank you to Jasmine Bekkaye, Tay Heath, Rakesh Salunke, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
NHERI GSC & SimCenter Part IV Research Tool Workshop Series
February 10th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
NHERI GSC, in collaboration with the NHERI SimCenter, presents the fourth installment of the Research Tools Workshop series. In Part IV, Steven Gavrilovic, a Postdoctoral Scholar from SimCenter will share his presentation, "Simulation of Regional Hurricane Impact using SimCenter Tools." Thank you to Tay Heath, Rakesh Salunke, Jasmine Bekkaye, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
NHERI GSC & SimCenter Part III Research Tool Workshop Series
January 13th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC, in collaboration with the NHERI SimCenter, presents the third installment of the Research Tools Workshop series. In Part III, Adam Zsarnoczay presents, Developing & Benchmarking Fragility and Consequence Functions. You can find the examples at the Community Data storage at DesignSafe under this link: https://bit.ly/NHERIGSC_SimCenterPartIII(opens a new window). Thank you to Tay Heath, Rakesh Salunke, Jasmine Bekkaye, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
NHERI GSC & SimCenter Part II Research Tool Workshop Series
December 9th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
In Part II of the NHERI GSC collaboration with the SimCenter, Dr. Wenyang Zhang shared his presentation, Machine Learning & AI Resource at DesignSafe. Thank you to Jasmine Bekkaye, Tay Heath, Rakesh Salunke, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
NHERI GSC & SimCenter Part I Research Tool Workshop Series
November 10th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
In collaboration with the SimCenter, the NHERI GSC hosted the first in a series of workshops on free research tools available from the SimCenter through NHERI DesignSafe. In Part I, Dr. Kuanshi Zhong shared the structure response analysis under earthquake ground motion using EE-UQ. Thank you to Tay Heath, Rakesh Salunke, Jasmine Bekkaye, and Olaniyi Afolayan for organizing and moderating the event for the natural hazards graduate community.
NHERI GSC & RAPID Post-Disaster Reconnaissance Workshop
September 9th, 1:00-3:00 pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC hosted a virtual workshop on September 9th with the help of RAPID. The workshop shared the post-disaster research of Jasmine Bekkaye, Elliot Nichols, and Saanchi Kaushal along with a Q&A with these graduate student researchers. The second half introduced David Frost, Director of GEER, Britt Raubenheimer (NEER), and Tracy Kejweski-Correa (StEER) who shared the purpose of their organization and how to get involved.
NHERI GSC NSF Proposal Workshop
June 10th, 2:00-3:00 pm Central Time
The NHERI GSC hosted a virtual NSF Proposal Writing Workshop on June 10th at 2:00 pm Central Time. The presentation provided an introduction to NSF Proposal Writing along with advice and tips for writing successful NSF proposals from speakers Dr. Kurt Gurley and Dr. Lori Peek.
*You may also view the questions that were posted and answered in chat:
Workshop Chat Q&A (PDF)